Understanding Learning Style
Learning style is the way to be used and preferred so that it becomes a habit in the learning process, which is how to capture, organize, and process the information received so that the learning becomes effective.
Learning style is an approach that explains how individuals learn or how each person is being pursued to concentrate on the process, and mastering difficult and new information through different perceptions.
Knowledge of learning styles is important for teachers, parents, and students because knowledge of learning styles can be used to help maximize the learning process so that the learning outcomes can be achieved in accordance with the objectives Expected.
Here's the definition and sense of learning styles from several book sources:
- According to Gunawan (2006), learning style is the way we prefer to do thinking, process and understand the information.
- According to Samples (2002), the learning style is a habit that reflects the way it treats the experience and the information we get.
- According to Nasution (2000), the learning style is a consistent way that a student takes to capture the stimulus or information, how to remember, think and solve the problem.
- According to Sukadi (2008), learning style is a combination of one's way to absorb knowledge and how to organize and process information or knowledge gained.
- According to DePorter and Hernacki (2013), learning styles are a combination of how it absorbs, and then organizes and processes information.
Types of Learning Styles
According to Witkin et al, there are two types of learning styles that are Field Dependence and learning style Field Independence (Ghufron and Risnawita, 2012). The second explanation of the learning styles is as follows:
A. Learning Field style Dependence
The Learning style Field Dependence is when individuals perceive themselves overpowered by the environment. A simple example of an individual who has the Field Dependence learning style is when the individual rides the bus and wants to read a book, individuals with this style will feel disturbed and lack concentration with the noisy and rowdy atmosphere on the bus.
B. Field Independence Learning Style
The study style of Field Independence is when individuals perceive that most behaviors are not affected by the environment. A simple example of an individual who has a Field Independence learning style is when the individual rides a bus and wants to read a book, an individual with this style can concentrate in and not be distracted with a noisy and rowdy bus atmosphere.
Meanwhile, according to David Kolb, there are four types of learning styles (Ghufron and Risnawita, 2012) :
- Diverger style. A Diverger learning style is a combination of feeling and observation. Individuals with Diverger types excel at seeing concrete situations from many different viewpoints. His approach to any situation is observing and not acting, including the behavior of other discussions and so on. Individuals like learning tasks that claim it to generate ideas (brainstorming), learn new things, usually also like cultural issues. I want to experience a problem, such as solving an issue, and not afraid to try.
- Assimilator style. Learning the Assimilator style is a combination of thinking and observing. Individuals with an assimilator type have an advantage in understanding the various offerings of information gathered from various sources and are viewed from a wide range of perspectives summarized in a logical, concise and clear format.
- Converger style. Converger learning Style is a combination of thinking and doing. Converger-type individuals excel in discovering the practical functions of various ideas and theories. Usually, they have good abilities in problem-solving and decision making.
- Akomodator style. Akomodator's learning style is a combination of feeling and action. An accommodator-type individual has the ability to learn from the results of real-life experience. They love to make plans and involve themselves in new and challenging experiences.
According to Deporter and Hinercki (2013), learning styles are generally divided into three types, namely:
- Visual learning Style (learning by way of viewing). A person who has a visual learning style tends to learn through visual relationships (vision). Thus in the study of external visuals, it uses material or media that can be seen or issued a visual sensory response.
- Auditory learning Style (learn by listening). This auditory learning style tends to use auditory/audio as a means of achieving success in learning. An external auditory learning style is by issuing sound or sound. An internal auditory style requires a quiet atmosphere before learning something. After that, a reflection is needed for any material that has been mastered and not yet.
- Kinaesthetic Learning Style (learning by moving, working and touching). This learning style learns through movements as a means of inserting information into his or her brain. The determination of the object fields is highly liked because they can experience something with themselves. This type of learning style is external to involve physical activities, creating models, playing roles, walking and so on. While the internal nature emphasizes the clarity of meaning and purpose before learning something.
The implications of learning style
According to Sugiyono and Hariyanto (2011), the implications of student learning styles for a teacher in the learning process consist of three things:
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a. Curriculum planning
At this stage, the teacher is expected to select and provide the subject matter by emphasizing the students ' feelings, sensing, and imagination in addition to enhancing the skills of analyzing, mental, and solving problems in sequential and Logis.
b. Teaching process
For this stage a teacher is expected to be able to plan learning methods and processes according to the needs of students ' learning styles, using various combinations of learning strategies, reflection, conceptualization, and experimentation. The Media used in conveying and delivering elements of experience through the elements of sound, music, visual drawings, motion, experience, conversation even the student's own activities.
c. Assessment strategy
At this stage, teachers are expected to use various grading techniques that focus on developing student skills. That is, tailored to the ability and development of the brain capacity and the tendency of different individual learning styles.